The Financial Writing Company

The Financial Writing Company

1300 477 210

Google Ranking Vs Being You

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There is no doubt that Google loves original relevant content and rewards it with higher ranking. However, should this be the primary motivator for creating original content?

I’ve watched services come and go based on selling folks ‘the secret to high Google rankings’ and I wouldn’t be totally honest if I said that I have purchased such services in the past.

However, I concede Google’s brilliance at eventually weaving out anything ‘manufactured’ to offer up higher rankings. So my primary purpose in generating original online content is to reach out from behind the yellow chair I’m perched on and simply share what I’ve learned working in the field I love most.

I do my best to speak from the heart and just share what I know, what I think, observe, what I’ve discovered in the markets I work in, what my clients have taught me and what I believe may help a range of people given the niche deliverables I offer.

My observations tell me that people want to understand the personality behind the service and product and the culture they’re ‘buying into’ by purchasing the goods.

I don’t even think it matters if they like the personality – they just want to know who it is, ‘who’ they’re dealing with. This is true whether we’re talking about a one person business or a multinational.

That’s why I seek to attract customers who resonate with me so I know that we’re already on the same frequency even before we talk and that we’ve already built a kind of rapport. In being me and sharing me, clients get a sense of my business and its culture.

To this end, that is why I put much thought into my business, its branding, its imagery and off course, the words I share.

For assistance please contact The Financial Writing Company 1300 477210.
